Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Mitigation

Wetland Delineations provide landowners more accurate assessments of property values and resources.

Wetland Delineations

Wetland delineations are performed in the field as per the requirements set forth in “Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters” (F.A.C. 62-340) with guidance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual (with regional supplement).

  • Wetland delineations allow landowners to identify how much of their property is inherently buildable without regulatory recourse. 
  • Wetland delineations also allow landowners opportunities to identify different ecological functions of their land.


Wetland Permitting

Wetland permitting can be an intricate and consuming process that requires in depth knowledge of state and federal regulations. 

At Gaia Environmental Group we can assist you in identifying which environmental permits will be required of your project and bring them to completion.

Wetland Mitigation

The Federal Clean Water Act of 1970 states that there should be a no net loss of wetlands. 

Thus, if you have wetlands on your property that are not avoidable, mitigation will be required.

Wetland mitigation varies depending on the nature and jursidiction of your project. For more information concerning wetland mitigation and pricing please contact our office. 

Schedule A Wetland Delineation

At Gaia Environmental Group, we offer free background research on your property prior to any field assessments. Please contact our team to schedule wetland delineation services.